Sunday, January 1, 2012

January Love List

This is a monthly post that J used to do on her blog. It was Al and myself's favorite post each month of hers. So why not have a Love List for each of us? A Love List is simply a few things that you're excited about and/or loving about the upcoming month.

Mallorie's January Love List
-Best friend Lacey's wedding (Andi flower girl, myself bridesmaid)
-Jess and my FOURTH anniversary, I love him more each day
-A BUNCH of birthdays on my side and his.
-Gat will be 3 months.

January Love List for Alexis
-It's the Prince's birthday! :on the 31st Joshua will turn the big 22 hoping I can come up with a sweet gift :)
- Ruthie's belly laugh: before it used to be a cough type of thing, now its an all out chuckle
- The fresh start to a new year including this blog, cannot wait to see where it takes us 
- Bannanagrams: its a game that my mom has, that I love, and will be buying.
- MORE birthdays: I swear January is the month of birthdays for our fam

Jamie's January Love List
- My birthday! I'm turning 25. Crossing my fingers that hubs has a special date night planned (sans Love Bean)
- iPhone!! I finally have a smartphone, and I'm pretty pumped about it.
- My Kindle Fire, my 45 minute commute of the train will be so much more enjoyable
- More family birthdays (I think there are 5 in our family this month)
- My new job, I'm super excited/nervous. Also, a little sad about leaving Love Bean all day 5 days a week
- Mini road trip Midland w/the hubs and BFF for a friend's wedding

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