Monday, August 5, 2013

Naming Angry Bean (Part 2)

You can read part 1 here.

It's a girl! Funny thing is we had 100% agreed on a boy's name the night before Rosalie was born. If she had been a boy, we would have brought home, Waylon Timothy Allen.

For as "angry" as she was in the womb, she is the sweetest, most content baby. I feel bad for nicknaming her Angry Bean. This is the birth announcement we sent to some our close family and friends. Thanks to Jody Strang Photography for capturing Miss Rosie for us :)

We had picked out the name Rosalie long before we were pregnant again. Our sweet Rosie is named after Tim's Great Grandma Pruce, whose middle name was Rosalie. Her middle name, Florence, is a family name too. It was my Great Grandma Brodbeck's first name. I love the idea of all of our children's names honoring a relative.

I also think it's pretty neat that the meanings of her first and middle name compliment one another. Rosalie means rose, and Florence mean prosperous or flowering. We didn't even plan that! Her middle name was going to be Joy, until she arrived, and Tim wanted to go with Florence.


We know things have been quiet around here and it probably will be for the rest of the summer. We've been soaking up lot's of outdoor time with our kiddies.