Thursday, September 23, 2010
The dress

Monday, September 13, 2010
I Love Pop
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Light at the End of the Tunnel?
- Cabinets: FINISHED
- Cabinet Doors: 1 more coat of polyurethane.
- Drywall: ALL HUNG
- 2 bedrooms: PRIMED
- Finishing Cabinet doors
- Painting Nursery
- Painting Girls' Rooms
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Options, Options, and hopefully the pics work
I have been doing some online "browsing" this morning to find the perfect outfit for some upcoming occasions. We have 4 weddings to attend this fall. This means I need to find a couple new dresses for me. Andi is going to 3 and Raelin to 2. This is a lovely excuse to spend money on cute dresses/outfits for them. Added bonus, getting to get Jess some nicer dress clothes. I would like us all to coordinate but not specifically match. I am thinking these are great opportunities to get some much need pictures for our new house!
These are some options for the girls. All of them are found at babyGAP and are a little pricier. I love love love though that I can get them in both of their sizes. The first I am not sold on due to the fact it is now FALL! (craziness, where did summer go?) The last 2 are very cute:) Red and black seem to be the colors this fall at GAP. I find them more for Christmas, but they are still cute! The 1st one comes in black or red. Thinking that would be cute to do flip flopping the color of the cardigans. Corny? I could just get different colored cardigans or leggings...endless possibilities. If you have time go HERE and tell me if you like some of the other options better. Every time I look at the 2nd one I like it more. They would look so adorable in them! The last one I really like for the October weddings. The girls could wear some cute tights and come brown fashionable boots? It reminds me of Taylor Swift...weird, probably.

I feel like these are some good options for me. 2 of the weddings will be more casual and the other 2 would be fancier. I am really thinking about purchasing all 3. They are all each under $30!
I can't get my pictures of my dresses I want to come up. I think I am going to get all 3 though. I don't buy stuff for myself that much, so I keep telling myself DON'T feel guilty. Hopefully once I get them I will be able to post some pics of them!
Let me know what you think!!