Saturday, June 18, 2011

busy busy

It's a busy weekend for the Schrock's. Well, I guess for JoJo, Raebug and myself. O&O is working(which is a good thing for sure-but-it's Saturday)

We had a baby shower at 11am this morning. Which wasn't the best time because it throws Raebug off her nap schedule. But of the course the girls love playing with cousins. Currently at a stand still because Raebug is tired and needs a nap! Then we are off to clean the church which will take a few good hours.

Hopefully we can make time to go see some friends. Then we have yet another open house this weekend for 2 of my cousins. Which I am still unsure of the actual time frame I need to make it there.

It will be a busy day but a little bit harder to do with two tired girlies. So, this little stop to nap is pretty much mandatory.

Wish me luck!

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