Monday, June 25, 2012

A Little Hope For Them

Since Alexis wrote her hopes for Ruth and Rules for herself, I have been wanting to do the same. I have done it a tad different though;) I someday hope my kids will read this when they are older. So, naturally I wrote it to them.

  • I hope you know you are loved. From the minute I laid eyes on you, I loved you. I want you to know that you will always have my love, even in the hardest of times. Know that showing love to you sometimes means being a little hard on you. 
  • I hope you feel at home when you're with each other. I want you all to have a great relationship and know you can count on each other. When friends let you down, you always have family to lean on. 
  • I pray that you can be yourself. I will pray each day that you will be able to find yourself. I don't want the world or people around you to make you feel bad about being you. In all circumstances just do you.
  • I pray you feel the love of the Big Guy. Sometimes you feel alone. Know that you are not. HE will always be there. He has had his arms wrapped around you before you were even here. 
  • I hope you love. Love is an amazing thing. I pray that you feel, the love your dad and I share. But know that love is not easy. Put your heart into whatever you do. 
  • To my girls I hope you cherish the times with each other. Your aunties and I did not always get along and neither will you. But, when you get older you will be best friends.
  • Gatlyn you are handsome and girls you are beautiful. Nobody can take away that inner beauty that each of you have. Don't let anyone tell you different or make you feel differently. 
  • I hope you have optimism. Look at the bright side of things. I hope that I can be a good example of this too you. 
  • I hope you get your hands dirty. For some reason I feel like this will never be an issue;)
  • I hope you use your imagination and don't worry about materialistic things. Some of the best memories I have do not consist of toys or things. Purely on using our imaginations. 
  • Work hard. Work hard to get where you want. Don't take the easy way out. The best things take work.
  • I hope I can listen and that you would know I want to listen. I want you to know I will not judge. I pray that I can have the unfailing love that my Grandpa and Grandma Brodbeck have for their children. I pray that even the hardest of times I can listen and help you find what you are looking for.
  • Gatlyn I hope you treat your lady right. Open the door and be a gentlemen. Respect and treat them right. 
  • I hope you give compliments. 
  • I hope you pray BIG. 
  • I hope when you fall down that you get up. When life gets you down-don't dwell on it. Pick yourself up and get going:)
  • I hope you can remain calm. It tight situations, don't get worried. Remember there is someone bigger helping you. Don't sin by letting anger control you. Think about it overnight and remain silent. Psalm 4:4
  • Have fun. Take chances on fun experiences. Take life in and enjoy it!
  • Be Silent. Just sit sometimes and listen. Whether you are listening to the silence or somebody, just listen.
  • To my ladies I hope you know how a man should treat you. I hope that Daddy and myself can show you how a healthy relationship is supposed to be. I want you to know that there is a perfect match for you and that you don't have to "settle" for anything but the best.
  • Gatlyn watch your dad and I hope you aspire to be a man like him. You can learn a lot from him. He is a great man who means best by whatever he does. I pray when you become a father you are hands on like him. 
  • I hope that each of you respect yourself. Set standards and stick to them. 
  • I hope you reach your goals. Set goals and reach them!
  • I hope you hug. Hugs can make a bad day into good. 
  • Don't forget to laugh. This is not a hope! This is an order! Laugh until it hurts and then laugh some more! If you ever need a good laugh here are a few movies that get me EVERYTIME!! Dumb and Dumberer, Anchorman(when you're 16 or older of course), What About Bob (your dad HATES this movie, I love it;)), and Best of Will Ferrell SNL.
  • I hope you dance and sing. We always do it now and I hope you do it with your kids. It is priceless to see those crazy moves!

Life is going to come at you. It takes some ups and downs to get where you want to be. Always remember Daddy and I will always be here. Whenever you fall we be beside you to help you back up. We love you three crazy kids more than anything.

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