Saturday, January 25, 2014

Team Gatlyn T-Shirts FOR SALE!

We have all been on Team Gatlyn before that kid was even on earth. Though the rooting has changed along the way, we have all been there cheering for him every step of the way. #TEAMGATLYN is trending ya know.....

You all cheered for him to stay in Mallorie's belly 9 more weeks, you cheered for him to stay strong and fight his hospital battles, and you continue to cheer for him as he does BIG things on the daily at home. What's a team without a killer student section? ;)

Even better, it's that time of year again........the Super Bowl of Preemie Baby Research.......MARCH OF DIMES!!!!!!!!!! What a better time to be to not only be on Team Gatlyn but Team I wanna help save babies lives.

This is the year folks. I can feel it. 1st Place has our name written all over it. Don't get me wrong the first two years we were successful. Team Gatlyn taking 2nd place and raising over $3,000. But I know we can do better :) Goal for this year: $6000.00 and if 1st place comes with that, two thumbs up.

So get your foam finger and your fast shoes on, as Roo calls them, we have a 5k to walk. Or run if you're really that motivated. And unlike any other team, Team Gatlyn loves a good band wagon, so jump on if you haven't been on the team before. EVERY little bit helps.

As always, we have the yearly team shirt for purchase. $15 for adult sizes and $10 for kids. $7.75 of the adult shirt will go automatically towards the team donation, as well as $3.50 for each kids shirt sold.  So everyone and your mother, brother, sister, kid, and everyone else order your shirt!!

Shirts are as follows:
-Shirts can be ordered through messaging the Twenty Somethin Mamma's Facebook Page.
-$15 or $10 for a shirt paid before the date of ordering the shirt April 1st! Any unpaid shirts WILL NOT be ordered.
-Sizes Offered: Adult Sizes S-XL and Kids 2T-5T
-They will look like the awesome design below. Gold Shirt, black writing.

Also, don't forget there are other ways to give to the cause. Donations are welcome and can be given through this link or contacting Mallore, Jamie, or I. Now let's raise $6000.00!!!!

Walk Info:
April 26, 2014
Location: 5600 Beechtree, Caledonia MI
Time: Registration @9am Start @ 10:30

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