So remember here when I talked about all of the stuff I wanted to do because I have so much time on my hands. Surprisingly I am doing it. Thrifting or antiquing whatever ya wanna call is one of my favorites. I like old stuff and I like to dig through the shops to find the really neat treasures that everyone else doesn't want. Sometimes I leave it as is and other times I make it something else. I am so excited to be able to do more of this. Last week the child and I went and ran some errands and decided to check out a shop in Grand Ledge called "Lambs' Gate." There's one in Old Town too which I must go to very soon.
Gahhhhhhhh so in love with so many things there.
I will be going back to purchase that rad chair in the top left. I have been drooling and dreaming over the ones in the bottom left on Etsy. So finding this baby has me super excited. For some reason $30 seems a lot easier to swallow than $375. A simple recover in that nice emerald green (which is this years color btw) will pair perfectly with my sweet green lamp I scored at a garage sale last summer for 2 bucks.

I probably won't buy the lamp to the left, but someone should. And then they should recreate that to die for night stand by my fav designer Emily Henderson.

I will however be buying the brass elephant book ends and they will look so good holding the books that I will never read. The adorable padded box in the top middle was called a wallpaper box on the tag. Not quite sure what that is but it screamed toy box to me. Birthday present for my sweet cheeks? That chair is pretty sweet & it had a partner in crime as well. The fabric's not my style so I would deff freshin' it up. That couch. (sorry the pic sucks) But that couch someone should buy. It has sweet lines and needs saving from the nasty barf black leather. I really kind of hope that obnoxious orange table hangs around until I have a house. It looks like a picnic table but its not. Those benches pull out. Can't you see it stripped to its original wood and throwing some sweet chairs at the end for the bosses of the table?
Let me know if you guys like these posts or if they are a total bore. But until I hear otherwise I will continue to share my hobby. :)