It's Wednesday and Mallorie wakes up to the alarm going off around 6:30am. She looks at it, then the clock and calculates the latest possible time she can get out of bed. No later than 7:15. Resets her alarm and she falls right back to sleep no problems at all with that. She wakes up to the "Ukulele" ringtone she has set for Jesse. Because she has to play a mind game with herself to get out of bed and make herself think Jesse is actually calling her. It takes all the energy she has to get out and into the shower.
In the shower she thinks about what her day will be like. Where she has to be and when she has to be there. While conditioning her hair she hears a sweet, "Good morning mama". Mallorie thinks, aww good she is in a good mood and replies, "Good morning Rae.". But, Mal also knows that the morning is starting and it is about to get crazy for a bit. Who is she kidding their life is always pretty crazy, sometimes a little self induced.
She hurries and gets herself around. Scrambles to get Rae dressed and wake Jo up. For once she was prepared and had outfits picked out ready for their early morning. She gets the diaper bag around for feeding therapy and they have 10 minutes now to get out of the house. Bottle, formula, bib, diapers, and wipes are all put in the bag. Jo and Rae are begging for breakfast but, Mallorie tells them get your shoes on and we will get donuts on the way, as she is running up the stair to get Gatlyn. Going through the routine of getting him out of bed and dressed she yells at the girls to get ready. She rushes downstairs and is still yelling at the girls to put their shoes on as she runs to put Gat in the car. The girls make their way out and they get buckled in. Of course she forgot the pump upstairs and has to run back upstairs and grab all of that supplies and everything else she forgot. Finally she is in the car and they are 2 blocks away from the house when she realizes she forgot something. So of course she goes back and get it. Mallorie gets back in the car and looks at the clock, wow she is actually on time. But shoot, she forgot makeup, "oh well not the first or last time that will happen" she thinks.
Next stop Heidi's Farmstand to get some donuts. Then they are on their way to Grand Rapids for feeding therapy. Everyone was great during therapy and now they have their next appointment in a hour. So they kill sometime in the food court at Starbucks and the girls play in the windows saying hi to people. Mallorie takes a call from her big sister where they talk and laugh for a little bit, until Mal decides she should finish that cheesecake brownie. They wait until somewhere opens Mal can get a pop and then head to the Helmet appointment. They make there way up to the office and have perfect timing with barely a wait. She loves when she times things that well. The appointment takes some time and the girls are getting a little restless so they play I spy and read books to kill time. After finding out Gat's head once again has no change they head out.
Off to home they go :) The rest of the afternoon consist of naps for Gat and trying to catch up on everything around the house. The girls spend the day watching movies because the weather is just yucky! Mallorie starts dinner for everyone and Jess gets home. They eat randomly because Jo is supposed to have a tball game. Although she is not really looking forward to sitting in the rain, she is secretly hoping it's cancelled. A few minutes later game is cancelled, she then makes the appropriate texts to tell everyone who was coming.
The rest of the night is spent doing laundry and laying around. Bedtime starts around 7:30 and tonight Mal is ready for it! The girls are getting more wild than usual. Nights like these the silence after they are finally in bed is heavenly. Gat is in bed by 8 and the house is silent. Ahhh, Jess and Mal can sit and relax. One on the iPad the other on the computer though. She listens to Jess talk about his day and what went on at work. But mostly they are quiet, the quiet is what each of them crave by the end of the night.
All in all it was a great day for the Schrock's. Mallorie is a little more tired this particular night because of the running around. Getting 3 kids in and out of the car is pretty tiring in itself. At the end of the day though she knows she is so lucky to have great kids. And tonight she feels confident her and Jess are doing something right.
Around 9:30 they head up to bed and it might just be early enough to. . . well you can make up the ending from there;)
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