Thursday, April 11, 2013

Butterfly Fun

In March, Jamie, our mom and I took the kiddos to see the Butterflies at Fredrick Meijer Gardens. Al was taking her insurance exam, which she passed!!

The kids all loved it! It was so funny to see how each kid reacted differently. I felt like Andi was really getting the whole process. Rae was so excited and then would duck every time they came near her. Gat didn't really care but the butterflies did try to land on him. I put his royal blue pants on him on purpose ;) Roo was loving it, no surprise being that she loves animals! Stella is an observer. She didn't get overly excited about the butterflies, but watched them closely.


  1. Isaiah LOVED it there when he went with his grandparents. Special times.

  2. It was a lot of fun:) I love that his grandparents took him, very special.


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