Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Show & Tell

Show & Tell will be one of our weekly posts. It could be a favorite product, a recipe, a craft we've done, a cool website, or anything else we may want to show you!

This week we will be showing & telling about our must have item for our babies.

For the Schrock's it is a great stroller. When Jo was born we received two different strollers, a jogger and a travel system. I really loved each of the strollers and they have worked great. Then Al's princess was born and she received an awesome stroller! Then Stelly was born and she got a SWEET stroller too! Now, I am a little jealous they didn't have that cool of stroller when Jo was born. But since each stroller has been camping, to the beach, malls, dirt roads, off roading, and around town we are getting a new one! We are trading both in for a new one for our Cowboy. Well of course the girls will get a little out of it too. Jo and Rae are 26 months apart, therefore Jo has always rather walked than ride in the stroller with Rae. But now due to Cowboy's early arrival him and Rae are only 16 months apart. I know. . . I am going to be BUSY!! Ok now onto what we are going to get. It is called the City Select. You can do so many things with this it is crazy! There are many different seating combinations that can happen!  Jess and I have done the research and are excited that Gat's Nanner wanted to get him a new stroller for Christmas! Thanks Nanner:)

Isn't this great!?!

My go to product currently is the Bumbo. I had never heard of them before Ruth came along and when I saw them for the first time I thought they looked kind of goofy and uncomfortable. But that thing has been a godsend. I use the Bumbo on a daily basis. The princess has been using it ever since she was a little over 3 months. I really think it helped develop her back muscles and helped her to learn to sit up. We use that thing for so many things. We don't have a highchair so we use that instead, they even come with a handy little tray. Ruthie also uses it for watching TV (she's a TV bug, her uncles are not impressed with this), she often chills in it on the counter while I am cooking dinner, and it is even great to put in the bath tub (great suggestion by Mal!)

Here at the Krenz household we love love love Love Bean's (wow that's a lot of loves) activity mat. She has the Skip Hop Farmyard Activity Mat. How else is my little city girl going to get a taste of where mama and daddy are from? 

When she was a newborn she like to lay under the mirror and just stare at herself. Then she started kicking the pig, which rattles. Now that she's a little over 3 months old, she kicks and swats at all the little farm animals that hang over her and rolls to get to the ones on the other side. She also pulls at the carrot that's attached to the mat. There is so much for her to look at and play with, that she'll lay on it for a quite awhile before getting bored. It's a great place to put her when I want to get something done around the apartment. It even has multiple hooks to hang the animals from. So you can have things hanging at different heights, or add other rattles like we have.

Gatlyn is doing great. His feedings were bumped up to 6mL over a hours time. Although we know the road is long from here I feel like we can breath. Please pray for infection to stay away and for him to keep tolerating his feeds:)

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